
EXPOSED: Did you really just buy bad weed again?

Posted on 20-Aug-2017

You probably heard the rumors about that one caucasian kid who bought oregano for months from his friend thinking it was weed. We all know a kid like that, someone who doesn’t know the bad from the good. The noobs of the cannabis community, who think television and music trends will make them weed professionals. Well, if you just found your little brother smoking some crushed up basil. Please direct him to this guide on how to distinguish if you are getting good quality cannabis. Here are a couple of basic indicators that will help little tommy from being scammed:

1. Look at the crystals

The crystals can help you determine the quality of your weed. The more crystals, the better the quality. This is an easy give away, because if your supplier is tampering with the stash. You should be able to notice the difference in crystals.

2. It shouldn’t be too dry but it shouldn’t be too wet

Good quality weed won’t feel like it’s been sitting in the sun all day. If it crumbles up as you hold it, it may be a bad sign already. On the other hand, if your weed is soggy, that’s a bad sign as well. It should be sticky, and hard to break apart and crumble. If not, that’s terrible quality weed.

3. The hairs speaks for themselves

Your weed should be green. No; brown is not a good color for weed. The exceptions are weed can have hints of purple, orange or red. Anything else just isn’t the right batch for you.

4. Find a good dealer

When you finally have a good dealer, hold on to them for life. There are crappy suppliers who will never be able to provide good quality cannabis. Here are a couple of traits that can help you figure out if a dealer is good or not.

  1. He has good prices; not too low but not too high
  2. He is in your area
  3. He doesn’t let the phone go to voicemail
  4. His phone will never get turned off for any reason
  5. Renaming weed strains is never accepted
  6. He’s never short
  7. He is consistent
  8. They seem professional in all aspects of their life
  9. They understand the cannabis industry and has a business mindset
  10. They don’t break promises or become late on orders

These are just a couple of the more basic ways to tell if you have some good quality weed. A good drug dealer keeps these things in mind, while the scammers do their best to match their bad stash with a completely good one. Somedays you may get caught up, and that’s okay. Experience is the best teacher, but at least you won’t be little tommy getting high off of mom’s favorite italian herbs.

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